Three types of Transformation Results can be used.
A holder for a DOM style result tree.
Set the system identifier for the source (optional)
set/getSystemId( String systemId)
Get the DOM node representing the source DOM node tree. (normally the document node)
set/getNode( Node node)
Get the child node before which the result node will be inserted.
set/getNextSibling( Node nextSibling)
A holder for a SAX style result.
Set the system identifier for the source (optional)
set/getSystemId( String systemId)
Set the Content Handler which receives events about generated XML content.
set/getHandler( ContentHandler handler)
Set the Lexical Handler which receives events about generated CDATA sections and comments.
set/getLexicalHandler( LexicalHandler handler)
A holder for a Stream of XML, text, HTML or other output types.
Set the system identifier for the source (optional)
set/getSystemId( String systemId)
Set the byte stream to be used as output
set/getOutputStream( OutputStream stream)
Set the character writer to be used to write the output
set/getWriter( Writer writer)